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How to use the NIST Framework to help protect your organization

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) is a widely adopted tool that assists organizations in identifying and managing cybersecurity hazards. By utilizing the framework, companies can apply best practices and guidelines to safeguard their assets, including sensitive information and systems, from cyber attacks.

The NIST CSF offers a structured method for identifying and evaluating cybersecurity risks through its five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. Each of these functions includes categories and subcategories that offer detailed instructions on how to manage cybersecurity hazards.

The "Identify" function enables organizations to recognize their assets, including both physical and digital assets, such as servers, databases, and network devices. By recognizing these assets, organizations can determine the level of protection required for each asset, taking into account that different assets may have varying levels of sensitivity and thus need varying levels of protection.

Some practical uses of the "Identify" function include:

  • Conducting a regular inventory of all IT assets to understand which systems and data need protection

  • Identifying and classifying sensitive data, such as personal information and financial data, to guarantee its proper protection

  • Assessing the risk associated with various assets, such as determining the effect of a cyber attack on a production system

The "Protect" function helps organizations put in place controls to prevent unauthorized access to their assets. This involves implementing access controls, such as multi-factor authentication and role-based access control, and technical controls, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems.

Examples of practical uses of the "Protect" function include:

  • Implementing a firewall to prevent unauthorized access to a network

  • Enabling encryption to protect sensitive data both in transit and at rest

  • Implementing multi-factor authentication to ensure only authorized individuals can access systems and data

The "Detect" function aids organizations in quickly detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents. This includes monitoring for unusual activity on the network and conducting regular vulnerability assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in systems.

Some practical uses of the "Detect" function include:

  • Implementing intrusion detection systems to detect and alert on unauthorized access to a network

  • Conducting regular vulnerability scans to identify vulnerabilities in systems and applications

  • Monitoring network traffic for signs of a potential cyber attack

The "Respond" function assists organizations in creating a response plan in case of a cyber incident. This involves identifying the key personnel responsible for responding to the incident, as well as the procedures to be followed to contain and mitigate the incident.

Some practical uses of the "Respond" function include:

  • Establishing incident response teams to handle cyber incidents

  • Developing incident response plans that outline the steps to be taken in case of a cyber attack

  • Training employees on incident response procedures

Finally, the "Recover" function helps organizations recover from a cyber incident and restore normal operations. This includes restoring systems and data and putting measures in place to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Some practical uses of the "Recover" function include:

  • Developing disaster recovery plans to ensure that systems and data can be quickly restored in case of a cyber attack

  • Conducting regular backups of critical systems and data

  • Implementing security controls to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future

According to NIST, by following the guidance provided in the framework, organizations can apply best practices and guidelines to protect their assets and sensitive data from cyber threats. The five functions work together to provide a comprehensive approach to managing cybersecurity risks. By identifying assets and sensitive data, implementing controls to protect those assets, detecting and responding to cyber threats, and recovering from incidents, organizations can better defend themselves from cyber threats.