Effective Information Security Starts Here


Service. Integrity. Compliance.


About Us

Welcome to Red Thorn Security Group - Your Trusted Partner in Cybersecurity

Our mission at Red Thorn Security Group is to specialize in delivering unparalleled cybersecurity services, with a dedicated focus on providing meticulous vulnerability audits and comprehensive risk assessments, all underpinned by unwavering integrity and compliance, ensuring the safety and resilience of our clients' digital assets.

At Red Thorn Security Group, we are a veteran-owned cybersecurity consulting company dedicated to safeguarding businesses from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. With over 40 years of combined experience in the Intelligence, Information, and cybersecurity industries, our team of experts brings unparalleled expertise to the table.

Our Expertise:

Our team comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds in policy analysis, technical proficiency, and team leadership. This fusion of skills allows us to approach cybersecurity challenges from multiple angles, enabling us to analyze complex situations and provide tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of each client.

Elevate Your Cybersecurity Defenses with Red Thorn Security Group:

Tailored Cyber Audits and Risk Assessments: Recognizing that cybersecurity is a dynamic field, we specialize in crafting bespoke solutions that match the unique needs of each client, factoring in industry nuances, business models, and risk profiles. Whether you're a burgeoning startup or a corporate titan, our proficiency lies in designing and executing strategies that precisely align with your objectives.

Proactive Threat Mitigation: At Red Thorn Security Group, we operate on the principle of outsmarting cyber adversaries. Our proactive approach involves early detection of potential threats and vulnerabilities, even before they become exploitable. By conducting comprehensive risk assessments and in-depth vulnerability analyses, we empower you to fortify your defenses and neutralize risks with precision.

Veteran Experts with Real-World Savvy: Our seasoned team members boast a collective experience exceeding four decades, having operated in some of the most challenging cybersecurity landscapes. This invaluable real-world exposure equips us with keen insights to anticipate emerging threats and formulate resilient countermeasures.

Uncompromising Pursuit of Excellence: At Red Thorn Security Group, excellence is our unwavering standard. We are dedicated to delivering top-tier cybersecurity solutions that consistently surpass industry benchmarks. Our tireless pursuit of the latest trends and cutting-edge technologies guarantees that you remain one step ahead in the cybersecurity arena.

Trust-Building and Partnership Forging: Trust forms the bedrock of enduring partnerships. With our transparent, client-centric approach, we establish lasting connections founded on trust, dependability, and integrity. We consider your business's prosperity as our own and work tirelessly to safeguard your assets.

Empower Your Cybersecurity with Red Thorn:

Selecting Red Thorn Security Group as your cybersecurity collaborator means enlisting a team of dedicated experts committed to shielding your assets from the ever-evolving threat landscape. Our personalized solutions, proactive strategies, and unwavering commitment to excellence ensure that your business not only survives but thrives securely in the digital realm.

Join us in fortifying your cybersecurity defenses.

Contact us today to learn more about how Red Thorn Security Group can empower your business with robust cybersecurity defenses.

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David Cowan

I started my National Security career in the United States Army and then moved on to working with most of the United States National Security Agencies and entities including CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, the National Counter-terrorism Center, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. I have spent years perfecting preemptive and responsive measures to effectively counter threat activities, information and facilities protection, and both logistical and tactical intelligence activities. My experience puts me in a unique position to give organizations the ability to stop active-shooters before they become active. From the beginning of my career I have been in leadership roles that depended on good leadership skills to ensure the safety and security of our nation.

Effective leadership has the greatest capacity to have a positive impact on an organization and during my career I have been placed in leadership roles from those with life and death implications to roles with national security risks with congressional oversight.

I consider active shooter scenarios to be acts of domestic terrorism because in most situations ideology is involved, therefore, they should be treated similarly. I have extensive experience in dealing with active-shooter scenarios, quick-response national security situations, leadership at the highest levels, and long-term threat reduction planning. 

It might be cliche, however, those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail. In situations where significant threats might be active, failure to prepare could be final.


J.E. Fox

Red Thorn Security Group is a veteran-owned cybersecurity consulting company that specializes in protecting businesses from cyber threats. Our team has over 40 years of experience within the Intelligence, Information and cybersecurity industries. With a background in policy analysis, technical expertise, and team leadership, Red Thorn Security Group’s team of experts are able to analyze complex situations and provide personalized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

We understand that every business has different security needs and that's why our approach is to provide a comprehensive risk assessment and develop a tailored security plan. Our services include identifying vulnerabilities, providing security training, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety and security of your business.

Trust Red Thorn Security Group to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your business is protected. Our team is committed to helping you secure your business and protect your valuable assets.

Get in touch

Get in touch with us today so that you can protect your greatest asset...your people. 

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