Effective Information Security Starts Here


Service. Integrity. Compliance.


Every 39 seconds a computer system is attacked…are you prepared to avert an attack on your organization?

Red Thorn Security Group has more than 40 years of Information Security experience working with the top U.S. Intelligence Agencies and private industries.   

Red Thorn offers information security program and system audits, risk assessments, and penetration tests based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) frameworks. We focus on insurance agencies, supply chain, critical infrastructure, and banking industries but can provide services for any organization looking to improve its information security program.  

At Red Thorn Security Group, we understand the importance of protecting your business from cyber threats. As a veteran-owned cybersecurity consulting company, we specialize in providing comprehensive security solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our team has over 40 years of combined experience within the Intelligence, Information, and cybersecurity industries.

We take a personalized approach to assessing risk and developing tailored security plans to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team of experts possess a background in policy analysis, technical expertise, and team leadership, which enables them to analyze complex situations and provide customized solutions.

Our services include identifying vulnerabilities, providing security training, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety and security of your business. We are committed to helping you secure your business and protect your valuable assets, and we won't rest until you have peace of mind.

Don't wait for a security breach to occur, take action now and contact us today to learn more about how we can help you secure your business.

Red Thorn provides its services across the Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; and Jacksonville, Florida regions, with the capability to offer remote services spanning the entire United States.

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Services Offered

Effective security is layered, therefore, each part of our services are meant to build on the others and together they give your organization the fullest ability to protect the sensitive information contained in your information systems.

Information Security Audit

Red Thorn Security Group provides in-depth information security audits based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and FFIEC IT Examination Handbook. Red Thorn’s goal is to help organizations identify information system shortcomings so that the organization can effectively mitigate the risk of attack from the many nefarious individuals who seek to exploit vulnerable information systems.

Risk assessment

Red Thorn performs risk assessment based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). After an information security audit, an accompanying risk assessment can help an organization build a plan to protect the organization based on a process of implementing the most important controls with the most significant threat first.

Social Engineering penetration testing

Often the most vulnerable aspect of an organization’s information security program are the people responsible for its implementation. Red Thorn’s social engineering engagement tests the implementation and followthrough of your policies and procedures through subversive techniques aimed at evaluating your personnel’s response to attacks.

Web Application Evaluation

The face of an organization is often its website. Allowing for vulnerabilities to go unchecked can lead to the face of your organization being shut down resulting in profit loss and damage to your reputation. Web application assessments identify vulnerabilities in your website which can help to mitigate the risk of website interruptions.

Social media evaluation

Social media is an important aspect of the life of most people as well as most organizations. However, social media posts can divulge sensitive information about an organization that can then be used to extract data from the organization. Red Thorn’s social media evaluation service assesses the organization’s social media accounts as well as the accounts of the organization’s employees accounts.

Security program document creation (coming soon)

Developing comprehensive policies and procedures is typically a heavy lift for small and large organizations. Red Thorn offers policy creation which helps to ensure compliance with the most important aspects of your information security program.

Wireless network Audit | Penetration Testing

Wireless networks (Wi-Fi) are becoming more and more common in business environments. Although wireless connectivity offers convenience and flexibility, it also offers a potential vector of attack from nefarious individuals who can attack your network from outside the confines of your controlled building. Red Thorn will test the effectiveness of your wireless network security through penetration testing and a policy and configuration audit.

For every problem, there is a solution which is simple, neat, and wrong.
— H. L. Mencken


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